Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Cleaning, Clothes, and Smiles

I know it's been a while... We had computer and internet connection issues and then I just got used to living my life off the web. but now I'm back. I really dislike facebook and feel like for the most part it is a waste of time that sucks you in. It was nice to not have that temptation in my home. However, I think blogging is totally different. It is documenting our lives. I prefer it over journaling and scrapbooking because it's easier and it combines the two.
I am still working on organizing my house and my life. I have discovered that this is an ongoing process that I will be doing for the rest of my life. I have also been doing some spring cleaning. It feels so good after you get some of it done. Some things that I learned from Flylady (an website that will send you emails to help you get into good habits of cleaning and organizing) that have really helped me with keeping up on my house are...1. set a timer for 15 minutes for each room you have to clean. It makes you work faster because you are working against time and if you do it every day you get done faster because it's still clean from the day before and you can use the time to organize or deep clean an area of that room. This system has really helped me out. Plus, you can do anything for 15 minutes!
2. If you don't use it regularly then it's clutter. Throw it away!3. A load a day keeps the laundry away... so I don't remember the exact saying but if you just do a load of laundry a day you stay on top of it and don't ever have to spend a whole day doing laundry. Plus, since there are only 3 of us, I don't even have to do a load every day!

Another thing I've learned is to just do it and not procrastinate and just put things away as soon as your done with them.
I don't even know how I started on this topic. I wanted to post some cute pics of my little Hadley girl... helping mommy with laundry seemed fitting.
This cute outfit was given to Hads from Aunt Nat and Auntie Bree picked it out for her to wear it that day. I thought it was still too big but Bree insisted and it looks ok. I would rather have her start wearing her cute outfits while they are still too big and have them for longer. Aunt Bree loves putting outfits together for Hadley Mae! Here is another one she helped me get out while still a little big but so dang cute!
Hadley is the most photogenic baby.
She's kind of a little poser! I bought these jeans a while ago and have been dying for them to fit her. They are dark blue skinny's with the cutest little bows on the back pockets. So excited they finally fit! Well almost... So cute rockin' the hood
Love that smile!